TIPS training reduces the sale of alcohol to minors by teaching best practices for safe, responsible service. It also prepares bartenders to recognize the signs of intoxication and teaches professional approaches for limiting consumption and diffusing potentially unsafe scenarios. TIPS Certification is the "ace up your sleeve" that minimizes server liability and improves customer service (and, therefore, monetary tips) across the board.
TIPS Certification is also attractive to business owners for several reasons. Costs related to property damage and penalties for alcohol violations are ameliorated by trained servers. Insurance discounts are often provided to establishments that require TIPS training for bartenders. Further, legal protection is afforded by TIPS Certification in the instance of third-party lawsuits. Even more importantly, the community, as a whole, benefits from TIPS Certified servers with the consequent reduction in human tragedy caused by drunkenness and drunk driving.
If these points haven't convinced you that TIPS Certification is a valuable asset for the career bartender, consider the state regulation that all establishments in Myrtle Beach serving after 2 a.m. are required by law to have TIPS Certified bartenders. All things considered, bartending without TIPS Certification is putting yourself at a disadvantage for employment success. Certification classes at the Grand Strand School of Bartending will become available next month (March 2013). We hope to see you soon!